Foto:Major/SS-Sturmbannführer Montana Max - Hellsing - Kohta Hirano
La más grande apología a la guerra que he encontrado en mi corta vida, después de Starship Troopers de Robert A. Heinlein (la cual es una obra maestra), fue el discurso "I love war" del Major/SS-Sturmbannführer Montana Max en el volumen 4 del manga de Hellsing de Kohta Hirano. El discurso tiene tanta pasión, tanta demencia, una carga emocional tan fuerte; que incluso me hace pensar, que fuera de la ficción todos nosotros por dentro disfrutamos de la guerra total y de la destrucción creada por la guerra.
A pesar de ser sólo dibujos y palabras impresas, la emoción y el afán de caos que despertó en mi fue tal, que me he animado a transcribir esa apología a la guerra y destrucción total de tan fascinante personaje; megalómano, neurótico, misántropo y controlador:
" Gentleman, I love war. Gentleman, I...LOVE WAR. Gentleman, I SO LOVE WAR.
I love Holocaust, I love Blitzkrieg, I love Onslaught, I love Defensive, I love Breakthought, I love Retreat, I love Mop-up, I love withdrawal. On the plains, in the streets, in the trenches, on the prairies, on the tundra, in the desert, on the sea, in the sky, in the mud, in the swamp. I Cherish each and every way war can be waged on Earth.
I love the thunderous roar off all Artillery arrayed at the Battle Line firing at once, as it BLOWS away the enemy line.
MY HEART DANCES when the bodies of enemy troops are hurled in the air in pieces from a direct hit.
I love it when a Tiger Tank smashes an enemy tank with it's 88mm cannon.
It left a warm feeling in my chest when the enemy soldiers would jump screaming from the blazing tank, only to be mowed down by machine gun fire.
I love it when the infantry ranks overrun the enemy line, bayonets first.
It moves me when i remember the sight of a new recruit in a state of panic, stabbing an already dead soldier over and over.
I can hardly contain myself, thinking of hanging the defeatist deserters from streetlights...with the shriek escaping from the schmeisser I hold as i mow him down and it is superb when the enemy prisoner screams in time...
I even remember distinctly the 4.8 ton shrapnel shells from the DORA* pulverizing whole city blocks where the pitful resistance fighters heroically stood up against us with their assorted small arms.
I love the Russkie armored divisions thrown into disorder. It is a very very sad thing when the villages they should have protected to the death are overrun and the women and children are violated and killed.
I love the english and american war machines being crushed and annihilated. Their creeping about on the ground like vermin, chased by the JABO**, is the height of humiliation.
Gentleman, I wish to see a war worthy of one in Hell itself. Gentleman, my battalion of comrades who follows me...pray tell, What do you wish for? Do you wish for war as a matter of course? Do you wish for a merciless shitlike war? Do you wish for a stormlike conflict wich runs the gamut of blowing steel and striking flame, killing every crow in the entire world?
*DORA:WW2 80 cm cañon Railway
** JABO: Nombre corto de "Jagdbomber", avión de guerra usado en la WW2 para atacar las islas británicas.
La pasión por la destrucción y la guerra que muchos sentimos nos recuerda la irracionalidad animal que aún habita en nosotros, tal vez el sistema haya suprimido en parte las guerras, pero estas son un deseo y una realidad constante del ser humano, el Gran Leviatán fue simplemente creado para que la humanidad no se destruya a si misma...sin embargo, el deseo subsiste...
Magill Umbra